New generation of up-to date quality

PScoat / PSC WINFAIR is a unique thermo-insulating material utilizing nanotechnology based on microspheres with extraordinary insulating and protective properties.

between - 200 ℃ and +200 ℃

heat losts

heat transfer coefficient λ 0.0324W/mK in combination with TSR


positively affects moisture in the construction and eliminates condensation.

eliminates molds

it keeps the wall dry because it can effectively remove moisture and thus does not provide a breeding ground (moist environment) for the formation of mold, moss and algae.

no corrosion

corrosion under the insulation is standard problem. Not for our PSCoat.

non flammable

classification of the range of reaction to fire
C -s1, d0


Surface types

suitable for PSC application


metal sheet, iron, stainless steel, etc.


cement walls, bricks, outdoor/indoor walls


Quisque eu tincidunt mattis sed, lectus. Fusce ut sapien

pvc roof

except polypropylene


Simple application

apply by brush, roll or spray